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All About Kappa Alpha Theta

University Tees

Kappa Alpha Theta, also known as Theta is a member of the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC). Theta strives to nurture its members throughout their lifetime through opportunities for personal and intellectual growth. Throughout lifelong sisterhood, Kappa Alpha Theta leads each member to personal excellence. Theta values scholarship, service, leadership, personal excellence, and friendship/sisterhood.


Kappa Alpha Theta History

Bettie Locke was the daughter of a professor at Indiana Asbury, and one of the first females to be enrolled at the school in 1867. During this time, females were excluded from clubs or societies on campus. Despite this, she and other women thrived in her studies and proceeded to push the status quo.

After a fraternity member asked Bettie to wear his Greek letters, but not allowing her to join the organization, Bettie decided to create a Greek organization for women on her campus. She asked her fellow student Alice Allen to help make this dream a reality.

The following fall, Bettie and Alice worked to create a badge, bylaws and constitution for this organization. They searched for women with like values as them; women of outstanding character and who work to strive academically. They found Hannah Fitch and Bettie Tipton and invited them to join. As a group of four, the first official meeting of Kappa Alpha Theta was held in 1870.

Kappa Alpha Theta celebrates it's Founder's Day on January 27th!


What is Kappa Alpha Theta's Philanthropy?

Theta's national philanthropy is CASA/GAL, which stands for Court Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem. CASA/GAL believes that every child should have a kind and qualified adult advocating for them. They advocate for their them to have a safe home, establish permanence and provide that child with opportunities to strive.

Each year, Kappa Alpha Theta chapters host philanthropy events to support CASA/GAL. These fundraising dollars go directly to the non-profit. In addition to monetary donations, Thetas donate their time and talents to the organization to help the children involved.


Kappa Alpha Theta Chapters

Theta has chapters at 141 college campuses across the United States. They also have over 200 alumnae groups across the US and Canada!


Kappa Alpha Theta Symbols, Colors and Motto

Symbols: Kite

Colors: Black and Gold

Flower: Pansy

Motto: Leading Women


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